Goodness, I feel like I’ve been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. TODAY IS MOVING DAY, and I can say with relief that it is finally here! The movers will be here, in a few hours, to box everything up, and tomorrow they will bring it all to the house and unpack. I don’t have to lift a finger other than to point out where I want things to go–I seriously cannot image trying to pack everything while pregnant. And taking care of a toddler. My mom did when she was 7 months pregnant, while taking care of myself and my sister and brother while my dad was out of town! No idea how she survived, and that woman is a saint!
In all the excitement and busyness of getting ready for the move, twenty-five weeks of pregnancy kind of sneaked up on me! Giving you a quick update, and then I’m off!
25 week bumpdate:
DUE DATE: October 28TH, 2018
HOW FAR ALONG: 25 weeks
GENDER: If you didn’t see our announcement on Instagram, we’re having another GIRL!!! We already have a name picked out, but will wait until she’s born to share with anyone other than close friends and family.
SICKNESS: Not much nausea, unless it’s been awhile since I have eaten.
CRAVINGS: Cold and crunchy, and anything fruity.
AVERSIONS: No.Beef.Still.
PHYSICAL CHANGES: My nails grow pretty quickly, so I am always having to cut them! And of course the bump. Depending on how low or how high she is, that day, my belly will look different!
HOW I FEEL: I’ve been more tired, the last few weeks, but that could also be due to us getting ready for the move (which is TODAY!!). I’ve started having Braxton Hicks contractions, and intensity varies depending on how active I have been, lately. I’ve also been having lots of lower back pain.
HOW I’M SLEEPING: Ugh, not well. I’ve figured out the most comfortable sleeping position with my pregnancy pillow, but I battle with having restless legs, and a mind that won’t settle down! Maybe things will calm down after the move…So far, I’ve gotten less than 12 hours of sleep this week. Twelve.
MATERNITY CLOTHES: The last few weeks, I’ve been in mostly shorts and a t-shirt, but I’ve been breaking out more of my dresses. Also, these shorts from H&M have been my latest go-to (sadly, they’re sold out)! Very comfy, but definitely need to size up.
So there you have it! I gotta hop off here so I can get myself going before the movers arrive. Stay tuned for all the moving craziness!
Stay Classy!
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