I feel like September was four hours long, does anyone else feel that way?? I’m sitting here typing, and I cannot believe we have already had a full week of October! If you’ve been following me for awhile, then you know that October is my favorite month of the year. Not only is it my birthday month (M, still rolls his eyes when I say that), but Lilly’s birthday is just two days after mine, AND my due date is at the end of this month!!! So, really, my poor husband could end up being very poor and partied-out if all three of his girls have birthdays in the same month!
It’s been awhile since I’ve done a bumpdate, I’ve pretty much dropped the ball on documenting my growing belly and blogging in general! Actually, trying to keep up with a toddler while being this pregnant pretty much zaps all my mental and physical energy, and every time I have been able to sit down at a computer to write, my brain is completely blank. Mommas with more than one child, how do you have the mental capacity to function??
And speaking of due date, I am just three weeks away from mine!! Seriously, you all, I cannot believe how quickly this pregnancy has flown by. When I was 37 weeks along with Lilly, I already had my hospital bag packed, all of her clothes washed and put away, bed and changing table set up, etc. This time I am about halfway there, and I had a breakdown on Saturday because I felt like I still had so much to do and not much time to do it. I know this time around what things are essential and what things aren’t, but my A-type personality does not like having a to-do list that isn’t finished. You would think I would have already given up on that, after having my first baby, but I’ve been too stubborn to give up checking things off my list! Maybe this time around, I’ll be more relaxed…
3rd Trimester Bumpdate
SO, what has the 3rd trimester been like, this time around?? If I had to chose just a few words to sum up the last 10 weeks, it would be achy, lightening crotch, and insomnia.
DUE DATE: October 28TH, 2018
HOW FAR ALONG: 37 weeks, and some change
GENDER: Baby Girl #2 will be here, soon!! We are waiting until after she is born to share her name, but I cannot wait! <3
SICKNESS: Again, if I wait too long to eat, I get nauseous.
CRAVINGS: Pretty much the same, anything cold, crunchy, and fruity. Lately, I have been craving Haribo Gummy Bears!
AVERSIONS: Still no steak, and funnily enough, I have not been a fan of coffee, lately. I will drink a latte, though…
PHYSICAL CHANGES: Well, let’s see here, what hasn’t changed at this point?? Baby Girl has dropped, I have started dilating and effacing, and my joints are extremely loose. My hair is super thick and luscious, so there’s that silver lining! Oh, and did I mention that Baby Girl has dropped? Yeah, it feels like I’m one sneeze away from her slipping out. *TMI, sorry*
HOW I FEEL: My lower back and right hip have been feeling better, since I began going weekly to the chiropractor. But I am always tired. And everything aches. And I can’t breathe. And I have to pee every 20 minutes. I have started having contractions at night (like I did with Lilly), not painful, but just uncomfortable enough that it’s hard to fall asleep. When I was pregnant with Lilly, I had what’s called prodromal labor starting at week 37 and lasting until she was born at 41 weeks and 2 days, BUT the positive was that it made labor short and relatively easy. (silver linings, people, I’m all about those silver linings!)
OH, and a couple of other fun symptoms have been lightening crotch and sciatica. If you have never dealt with either, just imagine a bolt of lightning shooting through your nether regions or down your right butt cheek and inner thigh, AND going weak at the same time and crumpling to the ground because suddenly your right butt cheek and thigh are numb.
HOW I’M SLEEPING: I had a brief period of being able to sleep through the night, but that has long ended! Between getting up constantly to use the bathroom, and not being able to fall asleep until 2 in the morning, I struggle not falling asleep at dinnertime, and then when I actually make it to bed, I struggle with falling asleep!
MATERNITY CLOTHES: Rotating through my 4 pairs of maternity jeans and leggings (ahhh, leggings!)–I really cannot say enough good things about these maternity slim-fit pants from H&M (and this pair in olive)! So soft and comfortable, I have worn them from week 12 until now, and they still fit comfortably. I also love this pair of maternity leggings from Target (great price and very comfy). Still living in these comfy tees from H&M, and non-maternity popovers and tunics that still fit. We recently had our maternity photo shoot, and I wore this beautiful lace dress that I scored on Amazon for $31!! Still pinching myself over that one.
Shop the Post:
Gingham shirt: J.Crew Factory | Cardigan: Nordstrom | Denim: H&M (maternity) | Leopard flats: Halogen (sold out), love these, these, & these | Handbag: Louis Vuitton Menilmontant PM (currently 20% off!!)
So there you have it! Baby Girl is moving and kicking so much, and we cannot wait to meet her. I still can’t believe she could arrive at anytime. I am sad that my time with just the three of us is coming to a close, Lilly has been my sidekick for the last two years! But I know she will be an awesome big sister, and many moms have already told me that you don’t share your heart, your heart gets bigger to love both children.
Now, excuse me while I waddle to the bathroom.
Pray that I don’t sneeze on the way.
Or crumple from a sciatic nerve being pinched.
Stay Classy!
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