Summer is here, you all! (Well, tomorrow, officially, but #details). Which means the heat and humidity are already out in full force…yay. All last summer, I was preggo, which if you are currently pregnant and going through the summer, all of my prayers and good thoughts are being sent your way–it is MISERABLE!! I did find a few ways to stay cool, AND #bonuspoints to me for being stylish as well (you can check out this post—dang, I was tan!!), but now I’m trying to survive the heat with a baby in tow.
As in, I have a crawling, cruising, climbing, laughing, wiggly, bouncy baby girl who loves to explore, so my Mom Uniform game has to be stroooong!
So what am I looking for, when it comes to getting dressed lately? First of all, I’m looking for comfort. There is nothing more annoying than a piece of clothing that is too tight or constantly has to be readjusted. There are certainly times when comfort goes out the window in favor of strappy stilettos for date-night, but I doubt I’ll be running around on the playground in pumps anytime soon ;).
If you’re that mom that can spend all day in heels, teach me your ways!! #bossbabe
Next up is functionality–crawling around on the floor, swinging on swings and going down the slide, and being able to nurse in public are some things I consider when getting dressed for the day. Most days for us are spent hangin’ out at home in the morning, and running an errand or two in the afternoon, and once or twice a week going to the park. Comfy shoes, clothing I can easily move around in, and if we will be out of the house for awhile, I need something in which I can discreetly nurse Lilly without providing a peep show. Anything that can be unbuttoned, or is loose and billowy and can be moved out of the way are all things that I look for when getting dressed or making a purchase!
Last but not least, I still want to look stylish. I am a woman, after all! Lots of ladies (moms) run around in athleisure and look cute while being comfortable, and that’s cool! While that’s not really the way I roll, I have noticed that my style has become a lot more laid-back since becoming a mother. The sneaker trend is one thing I’ve picked up :D, aaaand I’ve really come to appreciate cute tees, like this adorable flamingo t-shirt and this pretty pink one from H&M (hello, ruffled hems!).
And speaking of comfort, functionally and staying stylish, you will probably be seeing my hair in a braid A LOT during the summer! Easy but cute way to keep my hair out of the way, I usually will tease the crown of my head just a little bit to give it some body and then do a messy side braid. And if my hair is looking a little less than presentable (seriously, I always have a hard time remembering the last time I washed my hair!), I’ll either spritz on some dry shampoo or throw on a hat.
Shop the Post:
Shirt: J.Crew Factory (old, similar here) | Shorts: J.Crew Factory | Loafers: Sperry | Hat: J.Crew | Sunglasses: Prada (old, similar here) | Earrings: Kendra Scott | Watch: Daniel Wellington
So there you have it, what you will usually see me in on the daily–Sometimes, I will throw on a cute outfit just for running errands because I need SOME reason to put on “big girl” clothes, but other times, I’m just like meh, not worth the effort :D.
PS: Wanna know the real reason why fashion bloggers almost always wear sunglasses in their posts? Because it’s MUCH easier to throw on a pair of sunnies, than to spend twenty two minutes putting on eyeliner!
But seriously, it takes me like, ten.
What is your summer go-to outfit?
Stay Classy!
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