I am so excited to introduce you all to our newest addition, Rosie! She arrived on early Monday morning, at 1:16am on October 29th–just after her due date! I had a pretty strong feeling, all… [Continue Reading]
Fall Maternity Photos Baby Girl #2
{Photography credit: Becky Willard Photography} You all, I am SO so excited to share the beautiful photos my friend Becky took! I had gone back and forth, for awhile, wondering if a maternity shoot for… [Continue Reading]
3rd Trimester Recap
I feel like September was four hours long, does anyone else feel that way?? I’m sitting here typing, and I cannot believe we have already had a full week of October! If you’ve been following… [Continue Reading]
25 Week Bumpdate
Goodness, I feel like I’ve been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. TODAY IS MOVING DAY, and I can say with relief that it is finally here! The movers will be… [Continue Reading]
Life Update: Moving Back Home
Happy Monday, friends! I finally get to share with you all some pretty exciting news, and the biggest reason for why I’ve been a little absent from the blog and social media the last month… We’re… [Continue Reading]
First Trimester Recap + 16 Week Bumpdate
You guys, I cannot believe I am 16 weeks already!! That means in four more weeks, I will be halfway through my pregnancy. *mind blown*
I am just couple weeks into my 2nd trimester, but the difference between the first and second are like night and day!