Dress: Brooks Brothers | Pumps: LC Lauren Conrad via Kohl’s | Tights: J.Crew Factory | Belt: Target (similar) | Pearls: heirloom | Bracelet: Charming Charlie | Headband: J.Crew (old) | Lip color: Marvelous Moxie in Cherry Red by bareMinerals, c/o via LuckyFabb
Merry Christmas Eve eve, lovelies! Yes, the eve of Christmas Eve, in my book, should be counted as a part of the holiday week because presents are still being wrapped, parties are being attended, people are travelling, etc. Or, if you’re like me, it is really the first official day off from work until 2014!!
I have been oh so excited for the Christmas season this year, so many exciting things have happened, and I am thankful for everything! What I am most excited about is the chance to be with my family, both immediate and extended, for Christmas. We’re a pretty tight-knit bunch! Tomorrow, Mom and I will bake, of course, and probably do some last minute shopping for stocking stuffers, and the night will end with coffee, cookies, and present wrapping. Ahhhh, I can feel the coziness now….
I am bringing you my Christmas Day outfit a little late to you all (sorry), not because I had no clue what I was going to wear, but because I have had this outfit planned since New York, and I wanted to save it for the most perfect occasion (and I was still waiting on the shoes to arrive!).
I call this my Blair Waldorf outfit. It’s about as preppy as it gets, bows on toes (and tights), pearls, glitter bow headband, and a classic fit tartan dress. Ehh, who care’s, it’s CHRISTMAS, I had to include my top four favorite things into one outfit: plaid, bows, pearls, and glitter!!
And this dress, could we talk about this dress??? It’s plaid, has a peter pan collar, AND has buttons down the back!!! I’m not going to lie, this is probably one of my most favorite Christmas presents ever (Ich bin euch sehr dankbar, Mama und Papa!!)
Well, lovelies, I will leave you all now to finish wrapping some presents and running last minute errands. I foresee lots of coffee for today, and I’m praying that everyone else has caught some Christmas cheer.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, may it be filled with happiness, laughter, joy, and wonderful time with the people you care about most. If you are not able to make it home to be with family, or do not have family to be with, I pray that the peace of God be with you and comfort you this week.
Stay Classy!
That dress looks adorable on you and the bow tights, belt, and heels are a perfect touch! So cute!
So cute! merry christmas!
I adore this Whitley, you look beautiful!
The perfect look for you Whitley! I hope you have a blessed Christmas! susan
Love that dress!!
Love that dress!!
I love the plaid dress! The glitter bow belt is the perfect touch. Merry Christmas!
Style Diary
THIS OUTFIT IS TOO PERFECT!!!!! I am seriously dying over how cute the combo of this tartan dress, bow pumps, glittery belt, and pearls are! It's also such a great choice for the holiday season! I hope that you and your family had a merry Christmas!
Poised and Preppy
THIS OUTFIT IS TOO PERFECT!!!!! I am seriously dying over how cute the combo of this tartan dress, bow pumps, glittery belt, and pearls are! It's also such a great choice for the holiday season! I hope that you and your family had a merry Christmas!
Poised and Preppy
THIS OUTFIT IS TOO PERFECT!!!!! I am seriously dying over how cute the combo of this tartan dress, bow pumps, glittery belt, and pearls are! It's also such a great choice for the holiday season! I hope that you and your family had a merry Christmas!
Poised and Preppy
What a gorgeous dress! The bows are such a cute girly touch.
What a gorgeous dress! The bows are such a cute girly touch.
What a gorgeous dress! The bows are such a cute girly touch.
I love your outfit and your pearls.