Shop the Post:
Sweater: H&M (old, similar here) | Scarf: Nordstrom / (comes in 4 colors!) | Denim: Articles of Society | Crossbody bag: Sole Society (last year’s version) | Riding boots: Tory Burch (sold out, love these & these) | Watch: Wristology, c/o | Lip color: Joan Rivers lip liner in “Deep Blush” (old) topped with bareMinerals Moxie gloss “Rebel”
Whaaat, a post on a SATURDAY?? Well, I actually meant for this to be published yesterday, and by yesterday, I mean two weeks ago, but that’s another story…
If you’ve been following along for awhile, you know that burgundy is my top favorite fall color (and if you look at my Instagram feed, I’ve been carrying that oxblood crossbody bag almost every single day!).
But besides burgundy, dark green is another one of my favorite fall colors to wear! You’ve seen my field jacket make quite a few appearances (BEST.PURCHASE.EVER), and this forest green sweater is another one of my favorites!
So, I’ve gotta be honest with you all–I know it might look like I’m staring wistfully off in to the distance in the picture above and pondering the meaning of life, buuuut I look EXHAUSTED. The last couple of weeks have been a literal rollercoaster ride of naps/no naps/waking up 3-4x a night with Lilly. She has been learning and doing so many new things, that she doesn’t seem to have time to take a nap…let alone, eat a full meal at the table. XD
On the one hand, she will go down for her first nap and bedtime SUPER easily, when she really wants to sleep (she has even crawled to her bedroom door, asking to be put down for a nap!).
But when she doesn’t feel like a nap? She really doesn’t feel like a nap. I’ve tried crib hour (letting her play in her crib, even if she doesn’t actually fall asleep), getting her back out to play and trying again in 30 minutes, I’ve tried driving around to see if she’ll fall asleep in the car (that’s hit or miss), and I’ve tried having us cuddle and nap together…
She wants to play and head-butt my nose. #outch
Aaaand with her naps being hit or miss the last couple of weeks, I have gotten SO behind on housework, not to mention the posting content on the blog. I had meant for this post to go live two weeks ago, but I never got around to finishing it.
I know she’s trying to transition out of the baby stage and into Toddlerhood *sob, not ready for her to grow up*, and she really does become more fun each day, but I’m ready for her sleep habits to go back to “normal”.
And I’d like a magic housecleaning fairy to come finish my laundry, please!
Ok, so I got completely sidetracked *mom-brain*, now where was I…oh yes, green sweaters!
Unfortunately, this green sweater is from H&M last year (one of my favorite places to buy sweaters!), BUT I did manage to find some other great budget-friendly pieces to fulfill your dark-green-sweater-lovin’ dreams.
Or maybe that’s just me, but I digress.
Here are some dark green sweaters that have recently caught my eye (and they are all under $50!).
Dark Green Sweaters Under $50
I LOVE pairing dark green with neutrals like cognac, camel, and navy, and over the last few years, I’ve found I like burgundy or mustard paired with green, as well! Even bright red pairs nicely with certain shades of green, without looking like a Christmas tree.
What colors do you like to pair with dark green? I’d love to hear from you, so let me know in the comments below!
Stay Classy!
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I think the classiest fashion would be a tie with a rose design (I mean the flower of the rose), a trench coat, and cufflinks. However classiness in fashion is subjective and different people have different ideas of what’s classy. However the following makes you classy: tweed jacket, Scottish tartan tie, cashmere scarf with Scottish tartan, top hat, cigarettes in cigarette holders, gold items, and so forth.