shirt: J.Crew Factory (LOVE the matching bow tie!) | sweater: J.Crew Factory (last season, similar here & here) | pants: old, similar | vest: J.Crew via J.Crew Factory | shoes: Sperry | handbag: Louis Vuitton | necklace: The Crystal Feather Boutique, c/o (similar) | bracelet: Charming Charlie (in stores) | phone case: Charming Charlie (love this one)
Ok, I know we’ve all been talking/whining/bohooing/whatever-ing about winter taking it’s sweet time exiting the stage and how we have been wearing some bright colors in protest, but THAT’S IT—I’m writing a formal letter of complaint:
Dear Winter,
You have WAAY overstayed your welcome. Try as hard as you can to “snow” on our parade, but we are all anticipating the warmer temperatures to melt your little tantrums! You’ve had your fun, but now you’ve become that awkward friend who is always the last one at the party and just doesn’t know when to leave.
PLEASE, just go back to the Arctic where you belong, or head south and make friends with the penguins…I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if you gave them a few inches of ice! Really, stop being too cool for school.
PS: Don’t even think about visiting ’til Christmas.
OK, now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, I will continue to wear bright colors, albeit in silent protest
Stay Classy!

Love love this look! The color of your pants are perfect!
Love love this look! The color of your pants are perfect!
Thanks for this bright burst of color today! I am so sick of winter too!! Love these J Crew sweaters! I could wear them every day! Susan
Thanks for this bright burst of color today! I am so sick of winter too!! Love these J Crew sweaters! I could wear them every day! Susan