Blazer: Gap (similar) | Button down: J.Crew Factory (similar) | Sequin tunic used as a skirt: Nordstrom (old, love this) | Leggings: Forever 21 | Shoes: Tory Burch | Bag: Louis Vuitton | Necklaces: gifted | Bracelets: Pink Pineapple Shop, Alex & Ani, pearls gifted. | Nail polish: Chanel in Rose Exuberance (similar) | Lip color: Make Up Forever No. 18 Pearly Beige
So, I am a HUGE fan of taking something that’s intended for one use, and using it for something else. This sequin piece is the perfect example! It looks like a skirt, right? It’s actually a tunic tank that I had ordered at the beginning of last year, back when I went (literally) sequin crazy and bought basically every sequined piece in my sight. #notevenkidding
Well, it was a beautiful champagne gold color, covered in sequins, so naturally it had to come home to me. Nevermind that I don’t go clubbing, and New Year’s Eve had already passed, it was sequin-y and had to be mine…
So sat in my closet it did, for over a YEAR. And then the craze happened with trying to find the highly coveted J.Crew sequin skirt (STILL pining away), and then I realized, hmmm, I have something that is almost the exact same color….and it has sequins…probably should use what I have instead of buying another sequin skirt.
So over the tunic tank went a button down and a blazer for a toned down, more daytime appropriate look! Sequins don’t have to be reserved just for night life, they are OH SO perfect for daytime activities, too!
The button down and the blazer balance the playfulness of the sequins with a bit of business-like flair. I tied the front ends of the shirt into a knot to form a waistline and give the tunic some shape.
Popped the collar, added some flats and simple jewelry, and voile! A rather polished, dare I say, work-appropriate outfit was born.
And it has sequins.
Looking at these pictures, it’s hard to believe that they were taken only two short weeks ago…in between arctic vortexes, no less! It’s amazing how green the shrubbery and plants look, you would never have guessed that just a few short days before they were covered in ice and snow.
Which brings me to my next point: I THRIVE on sunshine and greenery (or leaves changing, but that only lasts for a few short weeks). I am at my happiest when the grass and leaves are green, and the sun is shining above me. I do love the snow, the beautiful white landscape is breathtaking, but what really soothes my heart is green.
As I look at these pictures, I am reminded that although we are still in the dark, cold, harsh months of winter, the snow will always melt away, the ice will thaw, and sunshine and blooms always come. No matter how dark and depressing (and utterly bone chilling) the weather may get, sunshine and warmer days always come. I think the cold, dark days make me more appreciative of the days when we have sunshine and warmth.
So while I wish and wait for warmer days, I will settle for sequins to brighten my mood. It’s almost impossible to be gloomy when you’ve got sparkles in your eyes!
Stay Classy!

So cute!
So cute!
That sequined tunic is amazing!!! I love the colors!
That sequined tunic is amazing!!! I love the colors!
That sequined tunic is amazing!!! I love the colors!
This is completely unexpected. Pretty cool how sequins can be so versatile!
Pink Champagne Problems
This is completely unexpected. Pretty cool how sequins can be so versatile!
Pink Champagne Problems
I have a sequin skirt that I wore for Christmas and I am so sad that I have not had the chance to wear it again! Thanks for the ideas so I can wear it for a more casual event! And your photos are looking amazing! susan
I have a sequin skirt that I wore for Christmas and I am so sad that I have not had the chance to wear it again! Thanks for the ideas so I can wear it for a more casual event! And your photos are looking amazing! susan
I have a sequin skirt that I wore for Christmas and I am so sad that I have not had the chance to wear it again! Thanks for the ideas so I can wear it for a more casual event! And your photos are looking amazing! susan
I adore sequins, and I love how you transitioned them into a daytime appropriate look!
I adore sequins, and I love how you transitioned them into a daytime appropriate look!
I adore sequins, and I love how you transitioned them into a daytime appropriate look!
So chic! I love this playful look with sequins! Thanks so much for sharing with Mix it Monday!
So chic! I love this playful look with sequins! Thanks so much for sharing with Mix it Monday!
This was such a fantastic way to dress down a sequin skirt! Really pretty.
This was such a fantastic way to dress down a sequin skirt! Really pretty.
This was such a fantastic way to dress down a sequin skirt! Really pretty.