Hello, lovelies!
Let me just this post off by saying I met one amazing lady yesterday….The lovely Jordan from Opal and Violet!!
Background: I started following this fab blogger on Instagram and blog about a week ago, and then I noticed one of her Instagram pic’s caption said she had met another blogger from the same city…Which just so happens to be the same city I live in!!! Needless to say, I was pretty excited, what an awesome opportunity it would be to meet a fellow blogger! It would be like the blogger’s version of celebrity spotting.
But one problem….How would I tell this girl I lived in the same city as her without sounding like a creeper…Or better yet, how would I tell her I knew she lived in the same city AND that I wanted to meet her without sounding like a creepy stalker???? Would she even want to meet with this lowly, newbie blogger??? Would she think I wasn’t good enough to be in her presence??? WAS I MAKING THIS TOO MUCH OF A BIG DEAL??????!! These were all questions I asked my hubby poor hubby, who could probably have cared less at this point that I was making such a big deal over a fashion blogger. His response? He shrugged and said,”Just ask her.” Gotta love a man’s direct, no smoke and mirrors approach :).
Soo, I took my husband’s advice, I commented on one of her pictures, and after confirming we live within a mile (!!) of each other, I furtively asked if we could grab coffee sometime soon…with double question marks…You know, how double questions are su-POSED to be used, implying a hopeful/Ihopeyoudon’tturnmedown/PLEASEsayyes/don’tthinkI’mcreepy/itwouldmakemydayifyouwould… type of question That pretty much sums up how I was asking my question.
Long story short, we emailed back and forth and finally decided to meet yesterday morning at Starbucks. Yaaaay, I was so excited!! But one question quickly entered my mind…What the heck was I going to wear?? I mean, this is a fellow fashion blogger I was meeting, and one who had “street-cred”, so to speak. Basically I was meeting a mini-celebrity, and I knew she was going to look fabulous, so I didn’t want to be off my game I am embarrassed to say that I spent a good thirty minutes the morning of, trying to come up with the “perfect” outfit. Does that make me a bit of a nerd? Maybe…
I walked into Starbucks, and there was Jordan perfectly styled in a J.Crew Factory polka dot pullover, mint skinny jeans, hot pink nail polish with gold glitter accent nails and matching Steve Madden pink crossbody bag. Talk about fabulous! We hugged and exchanged excited “nice to meet you”s, grabbed our coffees, and settled in. We ended up talking for over two hours about why each of us started our blog, where we grew up, our shopping addictions (seriously, there is support among fellow addicts!), and how we met our respective hubbies. Let’s just say that we instantly became friends :). Seriously, if you haven’t ever visited her blog or her Instagram, @opalandviolet, you should! This girl has some serious style, and she is just as gorgeous in real life as she is in her pictures!
SO excited to have met this girl, and I foresee some fab collabs down the road. And guess what, I learned that there were even more lovely bloggers in my area…Who knew the Midwest was teaming with so many fashionable ladies?? I can’t wait to meet up with them, I know I will learn quite a bit from them!
I LOVE this post!!! And, I love both of your outfits!!!!!! I can't wait to meet you both!!!!
I LOVE this post!!! And, I love both of your outfits!!!!!! I can't wait to meet you both!!!!
I LOVE this post!!! And, I love both of your outfits!!!!!! I can't wait to meet you both!!!!
Yay, so cool! I seriously ink I might be the only blogger in Nebraska….
So glad you had fun and love your outfit, especially the necklace
Yay, so cool! I seriously ink I might be the only blogger in Nebraska….
So glad you had fun and love your outfit, especially the necklace
Yay, so cool! I seriously ink I might be the only blogger in Nebraska….
So glad you had fun and love your outfit, especially the necklace
You are too cute! I'm glad you guys got a chance to meet up! I've only met some bloggers in real life once when I went to a blogger meet up in my area. I should do it again! And isn't that etsy site amazing!! I just discovered it and I really need to order some necklaces from there. You have such a fun style…following you now
Jeans and a Teacup
You are too cute! I'm glad you guys got a chance to meet up! I've only met some bloggers in real life once when I went to a blogger meet up in my area. I should do it again! And isn't that etsy site amazing!! I just discovered it and I really need to order some necklaces from there. You have such a fun style…following you now
Jeans and a Teacup
You are too cute! I'm glad you guys got a chance to meet up! I've only met some bloggers in real life once when I went to a blogger meet up in my area. I should do it again! And isn't that etsy site amazing!! I just discovered it and I really need to order some necklaces from there. You have such a fun style…following you now
Jeans and a Teacup
Love the cuffed button down under the sweater! Amazing choices of color. You look so cute!!
Love the cuffed button down under the sweater! Amazing choices of color. You look so cute!!
Love the cuffed button down under the sweater! Amazing choices of color. You look so cute!!
Thanks so much for all your sweet, sweet words about me! I'm honored!
It was so great to meet you and I'm so excited to meet up again soon! We should also start planning a collab, right?!
xo, Jordan
Thanks so much for all your sweet, sweet words about me! I'm honored!
It was so great to meet you and I'm so excited to meet up again soon! We should also start planning a collab, right?!
xo, Jordan