Hello, lovelies!
WHEW, I don’t know about you, but I am SO over this 90 degree weather we’re having!! I mean, c’mon, Summer, you’ve had the past couple of months to be hot and humid, so why are you just now putting up a big stink with just a few days left in August??
Well, even though it’s been 90 degrees this week, I am determined enough to break out some of my fall pieces and wear them anyways (I am a rather stubborn person, and I take the saying “Beauty is pain” seriously!). And today is no exception! This hunter green corduroy blazer has been begging to be taken for a spin (ok, I guess all of my fall wardrobe have been whining).
But with it still being 90 degrees outside, and still technically summer, I need to keep my shorts and lightweight shirts in heavy rotation. So what’s a fashionista to do? Why, what any other fashion-minded person would do, of course! Break out the blazer anyway and wear it proudly (did I mention that I sometimes ignore the reality of it being 90 freakin’ degree outside??).
While it may be too warm during the day to wear the blazer, at night it cools down into the upper 70s, allowing for a blazer.
This outfit has a lot going on, it’s playing with different textures and mixing three different prints. What helps to connect these elements together is the use of neutral shades. The cream in the polka dot blouse matches the cream in the Burberry, which has beige and black tones that match the leopard shoes, which have brown shades to match the elbow patches on the blazer. (English majors, I apologize for that run-on sentence). The key to mixing patterns, especially when mixing more than two, is to make sure you have a common thread that connects the patterns to each other and makes them appear cohesive. The observer’s eyes should be able to flow through each item in the outfit as though reading a story in a book
As you can tell from most of my posts the past couple of weeks, I am all about transition outfits for fall. Taking a summer staple like these coral twill shorts and adding some fall colors like beige and hunter green instantly turns them into fall-appropriate.
If you’re wondering about the quality of this blazer, it is outstanding! The blazer is made of thick corduroy material with a full liner that is patterned, faux leather details like the elbow patches and pocket trims, and dark brown buttons on the front and sleeves. The silhouette is very classy, almost like a riding jacket, and does fairly well with layering (I haven’t tried it with a sweater yet, so we’ll see). All in all, this was a very good purchase from H&M, and I’m pretty much in love with it. Actually, this and my navy blazer from Gap are probably my favorite purchases I’ve made for the fall. Ever.
Funny story about this blazer, when the fall collection at H&M first made it’s appearance online before online shopping was available, I immediately added it to my wishlist and called five different H&M stores to see if they had gotten their shipment in. When I did my weekly Wednesday Wishlist, this blazer was at the top. That night, the H&M website was down for “maintenance”, and when I called and H&M rep to ask if it was the long-anticipated online store opening the next day, he said that it was only routine maintenance and that the online store wouldn’t be open for another week or so and that we would be receiving an email announcing that online shopping was available. Only half believing him, I went to bed but kept my phone near me so I would wake up in case I got that fateful email.
Well, the next morning I hopped out of bed at 6am and rushed to the computer to see if my prediction was correct. It was :D. And you know the first thing I looked up to buy? This blazer. Aaaand you know what was sold out in every Single SIZE by 6am in the morning???!?!?! You guessed it, that blazer. The blazer I had been gushing about for weeks. The blazer that I so kindly shared with the world when I posted it on my wishlist the day before (well, at least that’s how I felt about it at the time). Seriously, I was in a bad mood all day long. I felt like I had been betrayed by the H&M rep, keeping my from my beloved blazer (as if I already owned it, or something!). The NERVE!
Looking back on that incident, I can only laugh and shake my head at how I had let something like that ruin my day. Seriously, I was in a snappy mood all day long just because I didn’t get my blazer! I ordered a couple of other nice pieces that morning that had also been on my wishlist, but my mood was still soured by the fact that the blazer was not among them. I pouted, I frantically called ten different stores to see if they had them in, yet, but to no avail. “Woe is Whitley” was my mantra for that day. I frowned through breakfast with my husband, huffed my way through dishes (can’t he see I am too depressed to wash the dishes??).
Pathetic, I know!
How often do I let things like that ruin my day? Sadly, it has happened a few times. Why do I get so caught up in wanting something that I let it consume my attitude, and ultimately, base my happiness off of it? Is it going to fulfill me like friendships and relationships do? Is it going to make me peanut butter and banana sandwiches or sauté my chard like my husband does for me? Of course not.
Something that I have been learning the hard way the past couple of months is that no matter what or how much I spend my money on, ultimately, it will not bring me lasting joy or happiness. Oh sure, I will be giddy with excitement for the first few days or weeks after it arrives, but it can’t hold a conversation, give me hugs, or make dinner for me. My friends and family can do that. The blazer cannot.
Long story short, I got my blazer just a week after it went out of stock, but I had a much better attitude about it. I was actually more thankful to have it because I had to be patient and wait for it (two of my least favorite things!).
Thank you so much for sticking with me through my musings and soul searching, this was not meant to make anyone feel bad about being excited or happy about something you bought, we were created to enjoy nice and beautiful things! I will certainly be enjoying this blazer that I finally snagged, and it will always remind me to check my attitude at the door.
Have a great day, lovelies, and I am SUPER excited about the collaboration I am doing with White Coat Wardrobe and My Wardrobe Staples tomorrow!!
Cutest jacket ever and I love how you fought for it!! I have never shopped H&M. Is it true to size? Thanks! Susan
Cutest jacket ever and I love how you fought for it!! I have never shopped H&M. Is it true to size? Thanks! Susan
Cutest jacket ever and I love how you fought for it!! I have never shopped H&M. Is it true to size? Thanks! Susan
Thank you so much, Susan!
H&M runs "true to size" in the fact that the clothes are a true size 4 or a true size 6. I've learned to just ignore the number on the tag, as I do not like to size up from my normal size, and just focus on the fit.
I love H&M, and I think you would, too! I have gotten some really cute tops, pants, blazers, and shirts from there, and the prices are great, too!
Thank you so much, Susan!
H&M runs "true to size" in the fact that the clothes are a true size 4 or a true size 6. I've learned to just ignore the number on the tag, as I do not like to size up from my normal size, and just focus on the fit.
I love H&M, and I think you would, too! I have gotten some really cute tops, pants, blazers, and shirts from there, and the prices are great, too!
Cute outfit, I love the blazer I go from H&M recently too, such a great price and I love the quality.
Cute outfit, I love the blazer I go from H&M recently too, such a great price and I love the quality.
This outfit is so cute!! LOVE the polka dot blouse. New to your blog and love it!
Sincerely Miss Ash
Polka dots and animal print? Yes, please!
Polka dots and animal print? Yes, please!
Polka dots and animal print? Yes, please!
So cute! Love this outfit. My grandmother always says it is painful to be beautiful, and I am pretty sure that means enduring heat to wear a fabulous blazer!
So cute! Love this outfit. My grandmother always says it is painful to be beautiful, and I am pretty sure that means enduring heat to wear a fabulous blazer!
So cute! Love this outfit. My grandmother always says it is painful to be beautiful, and I am pretty sure that means enduring heat to wear a fabulous blazer!
Adding my two cents…I have to size up b/c of the shoulders in H&M blazers. If you have small shoulders you should be fine though.
I agree with Whitley about just focusing on fit and not the number on the tag.
Style of One's Own
Adding my two cents…I have to size up b/c of the shoulders in H&M blazers. If you have small shoulders you should be fine though.
I agree with Whitley about just focusing on fit and not the number on the tag.
Style of One's Own
Adding my two cents…I have to size up b/c of the shoulders in H&M blazers. If you have small shoulders you should be fine though.
I agree with Whitley about just focusing on fit and not the number on the tag.
Style of One's Own
What a fantastic blazer! I love elbow pads on a blazer, so librarian-chic. Your story made me smile. I have totally been there, done that.
Style of One's Own
What a fantastic blazer! I love elbow pads on a blazer, so librarian-chic. Your story made me smile. I have totally been there, done that.
Style of One's Own
I'm obsessed with corduroy! Love the mix of patterns and textures.
XO Melissa
I <3 Sale Rack!
I'm obsessed with corduroy! Love the mix of patterns and textures.
XO Melissa
I <3 Sale Rack!
I'm obsessed with corduroy! Love the mix of patterns and textures.
XO Melissa
I <3 Sale Rack!