Oh my goodness, where has the time gone??
I seriously cannot believe I am 30 weeks along today, and that in 10 weeks or less, our baby girl will finally be here!! Our baby stroller and car seat arrived this past weekend (post to come!), and I’ve started de-cluttering the apartment to make room. So much to do between now and October 10th!
Lilly Pulitzer Sloane maxi (old, love the new Martina Maxi!!) | Wristology Rachel Watch in rose gold & cobalt, c/o | Aerosoles Plenty Plush wedges | Tassel Soul earrings | H&M tassel charm bangle
So before I go into the 30-week “bumpdate”, I just have to brag on this Lilly Pulitzer maxi dress!! No doubt you’ve seen it make a few appearances on my social media…I have seriously worn this dress all. summer. long! I first heard about it when Kelly from Kelly in the City posted about how comfortable she found it, and noticed how adorable it looked on her bump! She also has a great review on which Lilly Pulitzer maxi dresses are great for pregnancy style.
I sized up a size to accommodate the, uhm, girls up top, and then had it hemmed a few inches so I could wear it with wedges. Seriously, you all, it may be an investment but when you consider that it’s been worn on dates, to weddings, through my 2nd and now 3rd trimesters, price per wear is very low!
Even though this dress may be sold out, (I have seen it floating around on eBay in other fun prints), here are some other fun Lilly P. dresses that have caught my eye…
Bump-Friendly Lilly Pulitzer Dresses
Ok so now for the fun stuff…
30 Week Bumpdate:
Due date: October 10th, 2016
How far along: 30 weeks, so 7.5 months along
Trimester: 3rd Trimester
Baby movement:
Oh my goodness, her kicks and punches and rolls are so strong now! She’s typically asleep during the day when I’m moving around, but the moment I sit down, she wakes up. And her favorite time to party? Right when I go to bed :D. Her favorite places to check out are my bladder (ha), and recently she has discovered my ribs. Even though her movements are beginning to be uncomfortable, I know I’m really going to miss them after she’s born!
Cold fruit. Maybe because it’s the summer, but I have craved super cold, even frozen fruit all summer, and really, all pregnancy long! I always put frozen strawberries and blueberries in my yogurt for breakfast. It’s basically like eating ice cream, only healthier ;).
SUSHI. Good. Lord., I have been craving this hard. And while I could indulge in the cooked or veggie variety to my heart’s content, I have been living for my once-a-month allowance of the raw kind. It’s all about moderation, and my doctor said it’s perfectly safe so you best believe I’ve been moderating!
Frozen Cocktails. Again, it goes back to that cold fruit craving, I’m wanting something refreshing, and there’s nothing more refreshing than an ice cold cocktail in the summer! Unfortunately I still have awhile before I can indulge in these.
Not really much anymore, meat and garlic stopped bothering me a couple months ago (PTL!!), but if I’m not in the mood for something, I’m really not in the mood for it.
How I feel:
Up until two weeks ago, I felt GREAT, but once I hit the the third trimester, I have started feeling exhausted again. Like, that bone-tired, Ijustranamarathon tired. Maybe it’s because I’ve started battling insomnia, but even when I get a “good night’s rest”, I find myself struggling to stay awake through dinner. Not to mention, I am just flat out uncomfortable! Baby Girl really likes to put all her weight on my bladder (last night she was HEAD-BUTTING it :P), and if I am not sitting up perfectly straight, my ribs take a beating.
Maternity clothes:
I’ve been very good at making my non-maternity clothes work for me, but I did purchase quite a few non-maternity loose dresses and blouses that work with the bump. Button downs are almost completely out of the picture. I’m really looking forward to cooler temps so I can wear sweaters and leggings!
How I’m sleeping:
As I mentioned earlier, I’ve started experiencing insomnia. Not every night, mind you, but at least a couple nights a week I struggle with falling asleep and staying asleep. There have been a few times when I was awake ALL NIGHT LONG, and that has been no bueno. And don’t ask me how many times I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Or during the day. #allthetime
This is a question for the mommas out there: any tips as far as battling insomnia? My mind tends to race and there are nights when I just can’t find a comfortable sleeping position. Should I get up? Walk around? Try to battle through it?
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Stay Classy!
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Stay Classy!
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Awwww! This made me smile — I’m so happy you got the dress! Isn’t it MAGICAL?! 100 percent could not have survived without it throughout my pregnancy. You look BEAUTIFUL, Girl!
As for the sleeping — I’m with you. The only thing I found to help was sleeping with a pillow between my legs, which made things a little more comfy… but not much, haha. Right now what I’m doing is getting about three to four hours at night, and then napping for another two during the day. Not ideal, but it’s getting me by!
Hope you get some sleep soon!!
Kelly | Kelly in the City
Hi! I LOVE the idea of wearing the Sloane as a maternity dress!! Curious to see what size you are wearing in the photos to accommodate the bump?!
thanks so much!
Hi Brie!
I am wearing a size Small, which fit the bump perfectly! The only “sizing” issue I had was with accommodating my growing chest, I jumped over two cup sizes from my pre-pregnancy size. Hope this helps, it’s such a comfortable dress!
<3 Whitley