dress: Carter’s (sold out) | H&M tights
Oh, baby girl, you need to stop growing so fast! We just got back from Germany a week and a little over a week ago, and I cannot believe how much Lilly changed during our trip!
So it’s time for an update:
New Skills:
-She has continued to become more social, smiling at people who smile at her, batting at objects that are close…she’s so much fun to watch!
-She discovered her hands while in Germany!! It was so much fun watching her notice her fingers and hands, putting them in her mouth to taste, holding them in front of her face and staring at them intently.
-She can grasp things with her hands, before it was just a reflex, and now it’s a conscious effort–I have to watch out for my hair being grabbed!
-She loves looking at mobiles hanging overhead–her favorite was a mobile of cutout black cats; she would get a huge smile on her face and start talking to them whenever she saw them
-Speaking of talking, she likes to “talk back” to us! She looks straight into my eyes and she gets really excited, like she has an important story to tell. She’s quite the talker.
How she sleeps: She was a great sleeper while in Germany…I was so worried that the time difference would mess her up, and *knock on wood*, her sleep schedule hasn’t been messed up since we’ve been back. She usually sleeps about a solid 6-8 hours a night, usually without waking up (I know, we got lucky!), and takes a few long naps during the day.
Bottle or breastfed: Still nursing, but I’ve tried to pump and give her a bottle so that M. can feed her every now and then…she hates it. I think it might be the bottle nipple, maybe the flow is too fast and she doesn’t like it? Any tips for getting a baby to take a bottle would be helpful!
-Books with black an white shapes, and bright, vivid colors
-TUMMY TIME!! Up until a couple weeks ago, Lilly hated being on her belly, and would always fuss during tummy time. She’s always been able to hold up her head, but now her core is much stronger and she can look around and see what’s going on. We also used the Boppy Pillow to support her, and she really liked that, too
-Bath time…actually, she enjoys baths and showers! I’ve held her in my lap in the shower (sitting on the tub floor), and she really seems to like the warm water.
-Bottles. Will not take one. ANY advice would be appreciated!!
-Being in her carseat. She immediately starts fussing, anytime I put her in her carseat. Even in the car, she has to have her pacifier or she will start crying.
Overall, Lilly is such an easy-going baby. M. and I really got lucky with how easy she is–still isn’t bothered by noise, rarely fusses, and always happy! It’s so hard to believe it’s already been three months since she was born, and CRAZY how many skills she has picked up already! I’m sure her development is quite normal for babies her age, but M. and I are convinced that she’ll go to Harvard one day :D.
I know we’re biased…but that’s ok.
How I’m feeling: I’ve continued to thin out here and there, mostly in my face and thighs. It’s a lot harder than I thought it would be to make sure I’m eating enough–as easy as Lilly is, she is still a baby, and demands a lot of attention, so often times I’m scarfing down a yogurt cup at 11am, along with a cold cup of coffee.
And I’m not sleeping well…I did fine after we got back from Germany, but my body is still used to waking up once a night with Lilly, and frankly, my mind just won’t settle down at night. It’s constantly racing with thoughts of what I need to do the next day, what housework I didn’t get done, etc. I know I’m a new mom, and Lilly is still a very young baby, but it’s so hard not checking things off my to-do list…I’m a very Type-A person, and I’m struggling to give myself grace!
Lilly’s Picks:
-Mobiles, especially this cute sheep mobile that hangs above her bed
-Her bouncer–allows her to sit up and be a part of what’s happening.
-These wrist and sock rattles, she kicks her feet and moves her arms vigorously when she wears them and becomes really excited!
Mama’s Picks:
-I purchased more of these nursing pads, they keep me dry, and no leaks! (TMI, I know)
-JUST ordered this glider for Lilly’s nursery!! I had the hardest time deciding between the blush and the ivory, but ultimately, I went with ivory. Can’t wait for it to arrive!!
So, ladies, this was bit of a rambling post, but I had to try to write down all that Lilly has discovered–She’s such a fun baby! Spending my days at home, while it’s a bit isolating with it being winter and cold, are made so enjoyable with my sweet baby girl.
But I’m definitely looking forward to warmer (nicer) weather, so we can take walks and go exploring our new home.
Stay Classy!
Stay Classy!
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