Hello, lovelies!
I apologize for my rather unplanned absence yesterday! If you follow me on Instagram and Twitter, you know that I spent the last few days in New York City for the Lucky Fabb Conference. It was an AMAZING time spent meeting bloggers and I adore and follow, networking with amazing brands, and of course, a little sight seeing (and shopping) thrown in for good measure!
WELL, the reason why I did not have a recap of Lucky Fabb yesterday is because I spent all of Sunday evening and yesterday sitting in a chair with my leg propped up and iced. I really hate to start a story by telling the ending, but it gives a good reason for why I left you all hanging yesterday
Sunday morning, I arrived at the train station late because of missing the early subway train. I literally sprinted, with my 50 lb. suitcase, down several flights of stairs and landings to get to the train platform (they had already called the final boarding call when I arrived). Even at this moment, I still cannot recall how I tripped and fell, but I did, and I fell HARD. My right knee slammed into the granite floor, and for a moment, I didn’t think I’d be able to make the train. Long story short, I made it, made it home, buuuut I can no longer walk on it, extend or bend it, etc. So here I sit, with my leg propped up, typing this post to you. Not to make you all feel sorry for me, but I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and prayers, I’m hoping it’s nothing serious.
OK, now on to the good stuff….WHERE TO BEGIN, NYC WAS SO AMAZING??!?!?!!!?!
I would just like to say, that I would have no problem moving to the Big City. It was gorgeous and terrifying all at the same time, and I had such an amazing time running around the city with Jordan (thank you SO much for having me!!) I’ll gloss over the conference highlights and then spend Thursday talking about my ventures in the city (and I have a preeeeettty awesome story to share):D
Plaid: J.Crew Factory (check stores) // Sweater: J.Crew Factory // Denim: Paige | Shoes: Tory Burch (Reva flats) // Necklace: Etsy
This was my travel outfit. I know I look pretty dressed up, but I was very comfy
Freedom Tower, built in place of the World Trade Center, was around the block from where I stayed.
First thing I saw in the morning was the Hudson River and New Jersey. The Hudson was actually prettier than what I was expecting!
Day 1 of the conference:
The first day of the conference was spent sitting in several sessions in which there were panel discussions with different bloggers, brands, Eva Mendes, Kate Bosworth, and of course the Editor in Chief of Lucky magazine. In between sessions, we got to enjoyed brand experiences in which we got to meet with and enjoy (FREE) products from different brands! Charming Charlie had a station where we got to pick three pieces of jewelry, free touch-ups on manicures, Paige Denim had products to look at and treats to hand out, etc. Did I take pictures of all of this awesomeness?? Regretfully no, I think I was just a bit too starstruck to be in the room with so many bloggers that I follow, and HELLO, all of the free goodies had to be snagged!!
At the end of the first day, there was a cocktail party with hors d’oeuvres, and a chance to meet and network with fellow bloggers. Kentucky actually had a decent representation of bloggers at the conference, and all of these blogger babes are actually from the same town!
From left to right, you have me, Jordan from Opal & Violet, Alex from Lex What Wear, Shelby from Glitter and Gingham, and Krista from Southern Shopaholic.
I may or may not have eaten about ten of these adorable mini shrimp tacos….
Sequins: Express (similar) // Shirt: J.Crew Factory (similar) // Skirt: Loft | Shoes: Tory Burch // Pearls: borrowed from Jordan’s closet // Tights: Express (similar)
Because of not having time to take outfit pics (I was pretty much taking pictures of everything else!), I had to take an outfit selfie because I feel like this outfit needs to be shared with the world :D. You probably saw my post from last week when I collaborated with Charming Lucy and styled a sequin tank over a button down. Let’s just say that I am now obsessed with this combo! As in, I may or may not have worn this sequin top twice last week….
Day 2 of the conference:
So Day 2 was filled with breakout sessions with different topics that were focused on, and it was held at the Conde Nast building, which is home to Vogue, Lucky, New York Times, and maaany others. This place is pretty much the Mecca of fashion magazines.
The reason why I am smiling in that top picture is because I actually got more than five hours of sleep AND I had my venti soy Chai tea latte. It was a good morning.
The first session was about how to look camera ready at all times. In this heavily digital age where everyone is snapping a picture and Instagramming it, it’s kind of important to look nice to still look natural. Jake Bailey, who is a celebrity makeup artist and has worked with stars like Sarah Jessica Parker, Katie Perry, Natalie Portman, and many others, showed us the best ways to apply foundation, highlighter, etc. in a way that was not overwhelming and required a lot of steps. Let’s just say this girl isn’t afraid of wearing foundation, anymore!
And who doesn’t love playing with a table full of pretties??
There were many other workshops that I attended and all were very interesting, but nothing that would be of much interest to you all ;). So I will leave you with the closing moments of the conference.
Each one of the conference attendees received this GIGANTIC swag bag full of beauty products, jewelry, gift cards, purse, etc. Seriously, it was overwhelming and twice the size that I thought our swag bags would be! I mean, c’mon, I bet I looked pretty ridonkulous walking the streets and riding the subway carrying this monstrosity. When Jordan and I finally got
Dress: Express (similar) // Sweater: J.Crew Factory // Shoes: Tory Burch | Bracelet: Bluetique (old) // Lip color: Dubonnet by MAC
It was such an honor (and pretty cool) that Kentucky had so many amazing blogger ladies reppin’ at the conference! Seriously, meeting Beth from Seersucker and Saddles and Danielle from Lou What Wear.
And this photo doesn’t quite capture the genius of my outfit. Seriously, it was pretty genius. It only looks like I’m wearing a sweater with a bodycon skirt, but in reality, I am wearing a DRESS underneath the pullover. Seeing the genius now?? No? Ok, so it looks all cozy and business-y for the conference, but if we happened to go out for dinner and cocktails afterwards, I could just ditch the sweater and have a cute evening dress in under 10 seconds. That is what I call outfit genius :D.
Stay tuned for my awesome celebrity run-in story, and you won’t want to miss the amazing giveaway opportunity tomorrow!!!!

love your recap. but omg that stinks about your leg i hope u get better soon!!!!! fabb was so fun!
love your recap. but omg that stinks about your leg i hope u get better soon!!!!! fabb was so fun!
Love the recap – seeing all of your Instagram updates seriously made me miss home SO MUCH! Luckily I'm going home this weekend! I'm so happy you enjoyed your time, and you better believe that we'll be attending a conference together in the future!!!
xx Dana
Pink Champagne Problems
Love your recap! Lucky fab sounds like it was so much fun! So glad you had a awesome time!
Xoxo, Kira
Love your recap! Lucky fab sounds like it was so much fun! So glad you had a awesome time!
Xoxo, Kira
I am so sorry about your fall!! What a way to end a good weekend:( I hope you feel better soon!! I love the recap of this fun weekend! I am in love with that polka dot sweater – which is sold out:( I do have a question – is that a sequin tank top you have on over the button down? I was looking through my closet today and I have a sequin tank. I was wondering if I could pair it with something for fall. Thanks friend ! Susan
I am so sorry about your fall!! What a way to end a good weekend:( I hope you feel better soon!! I love the recap of this fun weekend! I am in love with that polka dot sweater – which is sold out:( I do have a question – is that a sequin tank top you have on over the button down? I was looking through my closet today and I have a sequin tank. I was wondering if I could pair it with something for fall. Thanks friend ! Susan
I am so sorry to hear about your leg! I hope it heals up soon! Loved hearing more about Lucky FABB! I want to hear more about the conferences! We should FaceTime soon!! xoxo
I am so sorry to hear about your leg! I hope it heals up soon! Loved hearing more about Lucky FABB! I want to hear more about the conferences! We should FaceTime soon!! xoxo