sweater: J.Crew Factory | plaid shirt: Walmart, love this one
pants: Charlotte Russe (old), similar here & here | pumps: J.Crew Factory
bracelet: Pink Pineapple Shop, c/o (sold out) but other options available!
ring: Charming Charlie (old) | lip color: BareMinerals in Cherry Red
WOW, where has the time gone?? In one week I will be on my way to GERMANY for Christmas (I already have several offers from people to be my “bag holder”/ride in my carry-on), and just like that my first semester will be FINISHED.
With the holiday season comes festive sweaters, plaids on the daily, and the green light to sing aloud the Christmas carols I’ve been humming since July! (I’m that girl who thinks Christmas music should be sung year round)….and I’m also that girl who wears plaid like it’s going out of style, but I digress.
If you’ve planned out your outfits for the entire month of December (guilty), that’s AWESOME–however, if you’re struggling with deciding on something festive to wear, I’ve gotten a fun & festive outfit for you!
If you’re attending a low-key work party, having a few friends over, or heading out on a date, this outfit is perfect for you! Skinny jeans, pumps and a sweater are taken up a notch by choosing bright, festive colors and patterns. If you’ve been hesitant about jumping on the pattern-mixing train, Christmas-time is the perfect season to try it out! Just remember that if you pattern mix up top, keep the bottom portion pretty simple…unless your shoes happen to match your color scheme, which mine definitely do! *happy dance*
Ok, can we switch gears and talk about fair isle and reindeer sweaters for a sec??? I’m sure you’ve heard me say this, but seriously you all, I love them just as much as plaid! I went to Nashville with my sisters and mother for Black Friday shopping, and the first thing I grabbed when I stepped foot in J.Crew Factory was this sweater. He-LLO, how cute is that reindeer face??? His name is Herbert, btw.
That’s right, I named the reindeer.
That’s on my sweater.

There is just something so festive and cozy about a fair isle sweater. Whether you are from the North or just love the Christmas-y feel, nothing says the holidays quite like a festive print. So naturally, like any reindeer-fair-isle-sweater-obsessed person would do, I went on a *window* shopping spree and rounded up all my favorites. Check some of them out below!

And if you still aren’t convinced, check out the “motherload” of festive sweaters at boohoo.com, but don’t get crazy.
So whether you’re heading out to a friend’s house or date night with your man, add a festive sweater, top your look off with a bright lippie, and enjoy the holiday season.
Merry Christmas, everyone,
Stay Classy!

wowzers! you are displaying festive awesome sauce with this great outfit! and that bow ring is sweet!
That bow ring is so cute! Very festive and chic! I love it! xo – Katie – hauteallure.com
That bow ring is so cute! Very festive and chic! I love it! xo – Katie – hauteallure.com
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