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Lilly’s outfit: Vest: H&M | Shirt: H&M | Jeggings: Old Navy | Rain boots: Hunter Walkers | Pearls: Target
They say you don’t know love until you become a mother.
And I’d say they were right!
All of the diapers to be changed, books read, cuddles before bed, open-mouthed kisses, crawling into my lap wanting to be held for a moment, saying “no” for the thousandth time, discovering a juice pack in your husband’s bathroom drawer, car keys in your Hunter Boots, finding your husband and daughter curled up reading a book…
Most of motherhood isn’t glamorous, and 9 times out of 10, these are just ordinary/everyday types of moments…
And I’ll be the first to admit that there are times when my sweet, beautiful little girl is a little too determined for her age, and makes this Mama want to sit on her.
For example, these adorable pictures. Does she look like she’s strutting down the runway, doing her own thing?
Yeah, I was trying to get her to stand next to me for an “oh-my-gosh, so-cute, we-have-matching-boots” pictures, aaaand Lilly was like “you’re funny, Mom”. She ran.
I ran.
And hubby caught it on camera.
For a very split second, I was about to become pretty annoyed. “Why is it all these people have such cute photos of their little ones, all standing still, smiling heavenly at the camera?”
I mean, just look at these photos of her! She looks confident, excited, wanting to explore everything around her! She is more than happy to be out exploring with her two favorite people, and thankfully, she felt secure enough to venture out.
And dare I say, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye?
Had she stood perfectly still while my husband snapped the photos, would I have had these cute photos of her, in her element? It reminds me of the photos we tried to take back in November. She was throwing a fit almost the entire time, but the photos we did manage to get were so cute, and some were downright hilarious! (Sorry, Lilly, I’ll be whipping these out at graduation!)
But for all the strong-willed and sassy qualities that she has, she is equal parts sweet and kind. She loves to say hi and wave at everyone she sees, she wants to pet every animal in sight, and hugs and kisses are her favorite thing to give to M. and I (not to mentioning to her grandmothers and grandfather!).
So my little girl, it’s true what they say. I never really knew love until I became your mother. Didn’t know I could love a little person so much that it hurts.
I didn’t know I could love your father even more, especially when I see him scoop you up at the end of the day, after coming home from work. Or reading a book, or playing tea party with you and See-kuh.
But most of all, I didn’t really understand how much GOD loved me, until I had a child of my own.
I shouldn’t have been surprised that Lilly didn’t want to stand still to have her picture taken. Let’s be real, for every “perfect” shot of a family with kids, there are about a few hundred outtakes of less-than perfect moments (I should know, I’m one of five!). And those outtakes make for some pretty awesome memories that still make my mother and us siblings laugh until we cry.
Lilly did what any logical toddler would do–
Lilly’s boots were made for walking, and that’s just what she’ll do.
Stay Classy!
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