When I purchased this blanket scarf from Zara, I INSTANTLY knew where I wanted to take these photos–This street! Seriously, look at the leaves!! This particular street is lined with Ginko trees, and every year, the street turns a golden yellow. It’s always a game of chance trying to time photos here just right, waiting for all of the trees to turn but not waiting too long, where the leaves all fall. This street is on my commute to Starbucks, so you can imagine how long I’ve been stalking it to see if the timing was just right.
I am so excited to share this post with you, I’ve had many questions about how to wear this gorgeous but gigantic plaid blanket scarf from Zara. It has affectionately been nicknamed the “blanket scarf”, and for good reason (as I am typing this, I am using it as such)! This scarf, when unfolded, measures 53″ on all sides, so if you’re snuggling around a bonfire or enjoying a fall football game, throw it over your lap and share with your honey!